Healthy Habits Series: Staying Active During COVID-19

Healthy Habits Series: Staying Active During COVID-19

School is coming up soon, and with that it can often feel like the end of summer. We are here to remind you that there is a lot of time left for outdoor activities, where you can maintain physical distance and enjoy the great landscape we’re surrounded by. If you need someone to clean your house while you’re out soaking up the last few weeks of heat, give us a call! ;)

Healthy Habits Series: 5 Tips For Cleaning Fun

Healthy Habits Series: 5 Tips For Cleaning Fun

Cleaning during the summer months is no one’s idea of “fun”. …except maybe ours. We know how to make cleaning as fun and exciting as possible. Whether you have a professional house cleaner who comes in regularly or you do it all on your own, these tips will help you keep your place sparkling even between deeper cleans.

3 ways to reduce plastic waste in your cleaning routine

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of the lifestyle changes you’re being asked to make and the many environmental choices you’re faced with - you aren’t alone.  The things we took for granted a few years ago, such as buying that favourite pre-packaged product and happily throwing the container into the recycling bin when empty are now causing angst. 

We’re learning that not everything we toss into the recycling bin is actually recycled.  The majority of it ends up in the landfills, taking up space and polluting our environment.  So, in honour of Plastic-free July, we’re going to give you some tips on how to reduce those single-use plastic containers many cleaning products come in, and even a few ideas for re-purposing some of the containers we absolutely must buy.

Multi-Use Commercial Cleaning Products

There are a few very good products on the market that have kept their product lineup minimal and you simply adjust the amount of concentrate required for the different cleaning jobs.  At Organic & Clean in Kelowna, our choice is Pink SolutionOriginally it had a faint pink colour due to a dye that was used (hence the name) however, in their commitment to an all-natural product, the dye was eliminated.  Pink Solution contains only natural, biodegradable and non-toxic solutions.  We use Pink Solution - Clean which is a paste and is mixed with water to our desired strength.  It can even be used for your laundry, thus reducing the amount of packaging that comes into your home.  You can buy spray bottles of your choice and reuse them for years, thereby significantly reducing the number of cleaning products in your home.  An added bonus is that you have fewer containers taking up valuable shelf and cabinet space!  There’s also a Pink Solution - Scrub, which can handle the tougher, baked on stains or hard water residue.


Avoid Single-Use Plastics

Not all plastics are created equal. Some are made of a lower-quality plastic and can only be used once, and some contain more harmful chemicals such as BPA. Whenever possible, we recommend buying your cleaning products in larger containers to reduce the number of smaller, single-use plastic bottles in your home.  Buy concentrates whenever possible to make that 4-litre cleaning liquid last even longer. 

Many companies are now on-board with also striving to reduce packaging, so concentrates are easier to access and can last months when mixed according to the instructions. Go zero-waste completely by saving your old containers and taking them into refill stores to have them filled up.


Make Your Own Cleaning Products

We saved the best for last!  The options for making your own cleaners are endless and can reduce plastic packaging in your home to almost nothing.  There are many bulk stores available to buy your product, and zero-waste stores are popping up at an encouraging rate as well.  Take your own glass container with you and use wherever possible to decrease extra packaging. 

•      Castile Bar Soap is an all-round cleaner which doesn’t require any container at all, and can be used for laundry, mixed with water for liquid dish detergent, used in your dishwasher, and even as a shampoo, face and body wash.  Add a couple of drops of your favourite essential oil and a small bucket of water for a soothing foot bath.  It was originally made from Olive oil in the Castile region of Spain, but can now be made with coconut, castor or hemp oils.

•    Baking Soda can be found in any pantry or kitchen and is a versatile and useful cleaner and odour-neutralizing product.  Mixed into a paste, its an effective mild abrasive for kitchen appliances and faucets.  It can be purchased at a bulk food store so, no plastic required.  A small bowl of baking soda placed in your refrigerator will reduce unpleasant odours, and sprinkled on carpets or inside shoes will do the same (always test in an inconspicuous area first).

•    Vinegar is an acidic product, also found in most cupboards or pantries, and is very effective on food buildups, soap scum, hard water stains and sticker glue.  Those acidic qualities also mean you should not use vinegar on granite, marble or soapstone countertops, kitchen knives, solid wood furniture or some types of metal surfaces.  Always test any product on a small surface prior to using.  Combined with Baking Soda, the cleaning possibilities are endless!

All-Purpose Cleaner Recipe

  • 1/2 C white vinegar

  • 1 Tbsp Castile soap flakes

  • 10 drops Tea Tree oil

  • 2 C water

Combine in reusable spray bottle

Re-purpose Tips:

  • Cut a hole in the side of a large plastic container and hang in a tree as a bird feeder.

  • Cut the top off a large plastic container and use for crayons, toys, lego etc.

  • Cut milk containers in half and use to grow seedlings.

 As you can see, it’s pretty easy to use less plastic, and even if you try it for just the month of July, you’ll be doing your part to reduce waste and help your environment.  There are a number of added bonuses, such as the beautiful labels you can create for your own matching containers and dispensers, or the reduction of clutter in your home when you realize that bar of Castile soap has so many uses! 

Re-purposing the larger containers you have is a great Sunday afternoon project with the kids - get creative and have some fun!

Staycation in Kelowna this summer

Staycation in Kelowna this summer

As the world is still reeling from the pandemic, we recognize that Kelowna families have had to cancel trips and gatherings this summer. On the bright side, stuck in the Okanagan for the summer isn’t the worst place to be. We’ve put together a few of our favorite summer family activities in Kelowna that are affordable and accessible for most. We hope you enjoy checking these off your summer bucket list!

How to maintain your tub & shower

How to maintain your tub & shower

Keep your glass shower doors and tubs sparkling clean even between your regular cleans with our pro tips! Nothing feels better than getting into a clean tub after a long day of work, or a rainy day hike. Soak it all in and savor the peace of mind that proactive cleaning brings. This blog includes some easy homemade cleaning solutions for the bathroom to combat mildew and soap scum!

Building Healthy Habits Series: In the Kitchen

Building Healthy Habits Series: In the Kitchen

In our Healthy Habits Series, we’ll explore one new topic each month in the hope to build more holistic lifestyles. Are natural and organic mission doesn’t stop at cleaning. This month we’re diving into building healthy habits in the kitchen and practicing conscious eating. Read on for our tips on developing a better relationship with food!

Maintaining a Fresh and Healthy Home Between Cleans

Maintaining a Fresh and Healthy Home Between Cleans

We’ve outlined our favourite cleaning tips for keeping your house healthy and your family happy in between your regular weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning services. From bedrooms to bathrooms to the kitchen and laundry room, we’ve got simple do-able tips that will help you sustainably manage a busy household.

We’d love to hear what your go-to cleaning routines are as well!

How to make Mom feel pampered in 30-minutes or less this Mother’s Day

How to make Mom feel pampered in 30-minutes or less this Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend and with everything going on in the world right now, we’d venture a guess that moms needs some pampering and celebration now more than ever. If you’re feeling stuck and not sure how you can show your appreciation – we’ve got a few ideas!

…after all, everyone enjoys a clean and fresh-smelling home. That’s right, our winning idea is treating the mama in your life to some unsolicited cleaning labour…keyword being unsolicited.

Our Response to COVID-19

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As a green cleaning company, our clients' wellness is our top priority and we wanted to let you know the steps we are taking to ensure this, and what steps you can take to support us in keeping our staff as healthy as can be also.

With the new province guidelines all of our staff members will arrive at your home prepared to wear a mask upon request. We will adjust our policy and keep up to date with any further government updates. They will be regularly washing and sanitizing their hands, avoiding touching their faces, and staying home if there is any indication of a COVID symptom.

If you will be in your home during the clean, please keep a respectful distance for both your safety and theirs.

To all our valued clients, we ask that you please cancel your appointment if you or anyone in your household are experiencing any symptoms.  

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time! We will continue with our regular hours of operation and scheduled bookings until told otherwise. Please keep an eye on our website for any further updates.

Amazing Natural Laundry Detergent!

At Organic&Clean we use a cleaning product called Pink Solution.

Did you know that Pink Solution cleaner can also be used as a laundry detergent?

This is a great little household tip for anyone who is trying to find a natural option to clean your clothes, and it works! Pink Solution is a very versatile product, honestly it does everything from cleaning your counters to washing airplanes! It’s all in the way that you dilute it.

How to make your laundry detergent:

To make our Pink Solution Clean Laundry Mixture, you want to use our  Pink Solution - Clean Heavy Mixture. To achieve this you need to combine 4L of hot tap water with 125 mL(1/2 cup) of melted paste.

Once the heavy mixture is completed, you can use our eco-safe cleaner for any of your laundry cleaning needs! Simply follow the following measurements:


* 125 mL (1/2 cup)/ load- High Efficiency machine

* 250 mL (1 cup)/ load- Standard machine

Take a look at this video for some more great tips on using Pink Solution, we love it and we know you will too!!


Stephanie B.

It's always my fault!

In the last year I haven’t been very hands on with the cleaning in our business, and as the business grows I hope to do it less and less. 

It’s hard for anyone who is a business owner to pull themselves away from the day to day grind! The work must get done, and there is always work to be done. 

However, every year I listen to a great business book called the E-myth Revisited, and I get a big reminder that I am supposed to work on my business not within it. Yes that is hard to do, but I think this year we are making leaps and bounds in that direction.

At the moment, I am working with our manager to put together more systems and information files to get our business standardized and organized! 

I have also been listening to some great audio books this year!

I just fully finished this book today, it’s called Extreme Ownership. Basically the book is all about taking ownership for every mistake made, and as a leader how it’s always important to take ownership of all the mistakes your team makes. 

I really get behind this idea.

For example, last week I had a client let me know that she wasn’t happy with the service one of our staff provided her with. Of course I called her right away and we offered to come fix any issues, all said and done our client was very happy. Crisis averted!!

However, my staff member had not done a great job at this client’s home, and to be honest, it made me mad! My first thought was to blame her for not doing her job. However when I reflect on what this book is all about, it’s actually all my fault, and I need to take ownership of the mistake made. 

Let me explain.  

To start with, my staff member is actually a fantastic person, she has been with us for many years. She shows up on time, she is honest, friendly, loyal, and all around kind. I also know that to be a cleaner you really have to care about your work, and she does! 

I, on the other hand, am the owner of this business, and a mother of two young children; I get pulled in all directions all day.

But I have set the standards of clean in our business, I also train our staff to meet these standards. If my staff member is missing things while cleaning, or not seeing the mistakes she is leaving behind. That is all my fault! I am ultimately responsible for her, and if she is not doing her job well, it’s because I have not explained the importance of slowing down, or how to double check her work properly so she won’t make these mistakes again. I also need to make sure I am taking the time out of my busy schedule to follow up with that staff member and make sure she has all the tools, training, and information she needs to get the job done well.  At the end of the day, I have to take extreme ownership of all the ups and downs in our business. It all stems from me, the good and the bad. If I’m not doing my job properly, how can I expect our staff to. 

Honestly it can be a hard pill to swallow! But after listening to this book I realize that to be a great leader you need to lead by example and you need to be humble enough to not pass the blame. Own and fix your mistakes so they can come to an end.  It would be amazing if we all live our life by the Extreme Ownership model. I think leading by example, owning your mistakes, and the mistakes of your team can only help improve us as a team. 

Anyways that’s what been going on in my head lately, Siera our new manager and I are on a mission to make our team the best that they can be!



Stephanie B

Get Some Help!

Moving is exhausting! 

I’m worn out already and I still have another 11 days left until we move! Crazy how time flies and all the little “to dos” pile up! 

Hard enough to pack up and actually move all my stuff! Tossing items I used to love and packing my life into boxes is emotionally draining. 

Cleaning up behind my mess, and upon moving all the big items I realize that there are areas I’ve never cleaned behind and swear I’ll never be that lazy again! Well I better not be ahahah!! …..

I love the fact that we do this for a living! Cleaning for people who are worn out and honestly just need a break, and time for themselves or with their loved ones is so rewarding! 

It’s so important to ask for help when you take on too much, and especially on a big moving day. I can say this as I am currently moving, and currently feel like I’m sinking!

I always end up tired and worn out and it takes me weeks to recover. 

I know what you’re thinking........ but no, I’m not saying this as I own a cleaning business. I say this as I am a worn out woman standing in a room full of half filled  boxes and suitcases shaking my head knowing I’m gonna be burnt out really soon! 

I am trying not to be such an aggressive overachieving person, and simply ask for help ahahah! 

Don’t make the same mistake and ask for help. We would love to help with any cleaning needs in your home, but if it’s not something you’re able to fit into your budget and you have friends and family who can help, do that! We build relationships so that we have community, these are the people who you can count on.

If you’re taking on too much ask for help, if it’s from us great! If it’s from the ones you love that’s even better. 



Hiring the Best Staff!

For almost a year now, we have been using something called a "DISC" test at Organic & Clean. We use this as part of our interviewing process, and we believe it can help us to create an awesome team of staff members who work well together! Not only can it help us envision how they would mesh with our staff, but it also gives us an idea of how they would be as a cleaner and how they may interact with our clients. This helps us to hire the perfect fit for our team! We also have all of our staff members know each other's test results, as it really gives everyone a good insight into each other's unique personalities, and how this shines through in the way that they carry out their work. If you haven't heard of this test before, I highly recommend trying it out for yourself!

Love to clean, but I am not a maid.

The question is what should you be calling the individual who comes to clean your home?

In today's day and age, the term "cleaner" is a much better term to describe our employees then the term "maid" is. I personally have never been called a maid but I do think the term is a little outdated and can be possible demeaning - and can even be closely compared to the term servant. Many people think being a cleaner means you are inferior to other people and are to be looked down on, but to be honest, cleaners are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. We do understand that the term "maid" hasn't fully phased out of our current times yet and I don't want to get too political, but we know you value our employees as individuals and we want to explain why we no longer use this term. We love our staff and want them to feel valued, the best thing is we know you do as well. They work so hard so a BIG THANK YOU TO THEM and also to our clients who we all think are fantastic!

We love to clean, and to help in almost anyway at your home. Thank you Kelowna for treating us all so well!

-Siera Pearson

Building a strong team!

Staff Meetings

At Organic&Clean we believe that communication is very important in building a strong team. Being that we quite often work alone, it's not unusual for our staff to go a week without seeing some of their coworkers. For that reason we hold a meeting every second Tuesday before we head out to our client's homes. This not only gives us a chance to touch base with everyone on how things are going in their work life, but it also gives us a chance to get to know each other better on a more personal level. During the colder months we like to get together at a breakfast cafe so everyone can enjoy a nice hot breakfast, and during the warm Okanagan summers we get together at the beach or at a park with some coffee, muffins and fruit for some fresh air and a change of scenery. So far our favorite meeting place is Molly’s Cafe (see link for directions)

We do try to keep the meetings as lighthearted as possible and we believe this addition to our busy schedule is a key in making our team grow stronger!
